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A collection of curious valentines

A scheming young woman?

Does this fold-out valentine, with a copy of the “Matrimonial News” on the carpet and a pot of jam sitting on the table, suggest this charming candidate for the marriage market has snared that elusive bachelor ?

In mid-Victorian times it was the purpose of fashion to conceal the women’s extremities, for our young woman to even hint that she had legs was by Victorian standards, immodest, daring and flirtatious!

Long Comics
“The latest fashion is long valentines, and it will be a long time before any better ones are found. They contain hits of very general application, and whoever gets one will long remember it.”


  • Opposite
  • Comic valentine
  • Published by S.M.&S. London
  • 127 x 368mm (5 x 14½in)
  • Mid 19th century

more comic valentines


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